Our new Care Navigation system
When you telephone the Surgery to book an Appointment, the Receptionist will ask you what the problem is/what the appointment is for.
This is because the Receptionist has a number of alternative types of Appointments available and needs to offer you the most appropriate Appointment to deal with your problem. The most appropriate Appointment may be with a GP or perhaps your problem could be dealt with over the telephone. It is not always necessary to see a GP, we have Advanced Nurse Practitioners who can diagnose, prescribe and refer. We also have Practice Nurses, Healthcare Assistants, District Nurses and other Healthcare Professionals who may see you depending on the reason for the Appointment.
This system will make best use of the services available both at the practice and in the wider community, and by doing so will indirectly increase the number of available GP appointments, so that you can more easily secure this when it is necessary.